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Genelec monitoring ‘brand of choice’ for new Dolby Nuremberg facility

The new Dolby Nuremberg facility opens up the company's technical capabilities for a wide range of new use cases

Genelec has announced its monitoring solutions have been deployed by Dolby.

Identifying the need for a larger site, Dolby has built a new facility at Nuremberg. Augmenting its development and testing provision, the company has created both a mixing lab and critical listening lab at the new location, with Genelec providing monitoring systems for both spaces.

Working with acoustic consultant Radoslaw Arkadiusz Ciszewski from Müller-BBM Building Solutions, the company created a room-in-room setup to provide maximum acoustic isolation. The room fit out and monitor selection was overseen by Dolby content relations manager and sound expert, David Ziegler, supported by Thormann’s Georg Biberger.

Commenting on the development, Andreas Ehret, MD of Dolby Germany, said, “We had a very good acoustic consultant during the planning and execution phases, and there is a good relationship between Dolby and Genelec which helped with the monitor selection.”

With typical loudspeaker layouts for Dolby’s use cases being 5.1.2, 5.1.4, 7.1.2, and 7.1.4 for both the mix lab and the critical listening lab, flexibility was essential. “As a result, we have installed a 9.1.6 Smart Active Monitoring system in both rooms, such that we can switch easily,” Ehret continued. There is a dedicated processor for each room, and we’re using it to control the routing, switching formats and tuning.”

The mix lab layout takes the form of 8351s as LCR with 8341s for the surround and height channels, assisted by dual 7370 subwoofers, while in the critical listening lab, 19 8341s handle all of the channels apart from the low end, which is taken care of via the 7370 subs.

Integrating with the DSP hardware within each monitor and subwoofer, Genelec GLM software was used to calibrate the rooms, enabling control of frequency response, playback level and distance delay.

“The Genelec monitors are easy to use and offer great sound quality. We’re extremely happy! The result is of very high quality,” said Ehret