The entertainment industry needs to start embracing Blockchain as it is “here to stay” according to a panel of experts.
Speaking at MIPTV, Ashley Turing, CEO of LiveTree ADEPT, said the digital ledger system, is not going away. “It’s going to evolve. It’s going to become a part of every part of our lives much like the internet has weaved itself into our daily functions,” he said.
“Blockchain is an incredibly valuable technology tool that is going to change the way that the world does business and it is going to change the face of the entertainment industry,” said Amorette Jones, co-founding CEO of TREETI, an LA-based blockchain company built specifically for the entertainment industry.
Jones said TREETI wants to make it easier for content creators to interact directly with their customers: “The idea is to push the curtain back on Hollywood, to give people direct access to the filmmaker, creating a festival like atmosphere,” she said.
The first feature film to to be available to stream on blockchain, No Postage Necessary, is due to be released in the UK in June.