Our weekly series of featured NewBay Connect white papers continues with Arris, a global innovator in IP, video and broadband technology. The company’s paper, ‘Migration paths to full CCAP functionality’, can be accessed in full via the NewBay Connect website, and a preview can be found below:
The cable industry has begun a multi-year migration toward a common platform for video and data. The technology enabling this journey is known as the Converged Cable Access Platform (CCAP). While CCAP defines a particular architecture, there are numerous ways to reach that converged endpoint.
How will the industry implement CCAP? The answer to that question depends on circumstances and preferences. The CCAP initiative addresses a common and urgent need to enable more narrowcast quadrature amplitude modulated (QAM) channels in a more dense and power-efficient footprint. The industry that supports this initiative is diverse; service providers have deployed several CMTS and Edge QAM architectures that rely on a range of technology suppliers and various service delivery goals.
Drawing from the real-life experience that service providers have had to date, this paper recognizes the diversity and ongoing evolution of the headend (Cloonan & Howe, 2011) and existing cable infrastructures; focusing on three paths to full CCAP:
1) CCAP Migration from I-CMTS
For the service provider with Integrated CMTS (I-CMTS) expecting high-speed data (HSD) growth
2) CCAP Migration from M-CMTS
For the provider using a modular CMTS (M-CMTS) and common edge QAM-based; modular headend architecture (MHA) who also expects much HSD growth
3) CCAP Migration from VOD Edge QAM
For the provider with an I-CMTS who foresees significant video on demand (VOD) growth.
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