A flexible and cost effective solution for overcoming ‘rain fade’ in satellite links is how Peak Communications describes its Peak Automatic UpLink Power Controller (AUPC) system. The company said that this natural atmospheric attenuation of the satellite signal occurs at all frequencies. However, it says, the attenuation is more pronounced at higher frequencies, so the AUPC is proving popular with earth stations operating Ka-Band links to help achieve often demanding availability targets.
Units monitor the satellite beacon signal via either an internal or external beacon receiver and subsequently automatically determine the uplink path gain compensation required to maintain a constant uplink signal level.
Gain compensation is automatically applied to the uplink paths via internal attenuator channels (stand-alone system), or external attenuators within Peak UpConverter, BUC or Line Amplifier products. Up to four internal UpLink compensation channels can be provided in the standard 1RU unit, with a separate expansion unit providing up to 10 modular channels ‘slaved’ from the main unit. Peak claimed this offered ‘the ultimate in flexibility, maintainability and futureproof expandability’.
Single channel units are now available with an optional enhancement facility allowing rapid compensation to overcome the effects of scintillation with typically low look angle satellites.
Units feature a range of standard features as well as options to enhance performance including internal beacon receiver, fail-safe by-pass, 10MHz and DC pass-through and SHF beacon input stage.