“Game of Thrones is the most popular show of all times”, “mobile is the new screen”, “millennials no longer watch TV”: these are only a few of the topics that were found to be either myths or partial myths by a panel of experts discussing the truth about changing TV consumption on Saturday.
While opinions diverged on Game of Thrones, with some members preferring Friends as a more enduring TV series, most agreed that millennials definitely watched less television.
“It is one of our biggest headaches and the stats are scary: viewing among 15 to 20 year olds is down by a third”, agreed David Bunker, the head of projects at BBC audiences in the UK.
The question on everybody’s lips was whether millenials would grow up and change their viewing habits, becoming more like their parents, or would they stay the same as they are now?
“We have some evidence that shows that they will stay the same”, said David Bunker.
According to James Alexander, the strategy and proposition director at Now TV, Sky’s
OTT offering in the UK, what singles millennials out is “their utter comprehension ofthe OTT space”.