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Canon unveils EOS C400 camera for live production, ENG and virtual production

The camera includes a 6K full frame backside-illuminated, stacked CMOS sensor (BSI), with 16 stops of dynamic range

Canon has announced the launch of a new Canon EOS C400 cinema camera and a new hybrid lens designed to capture both stills and video.

The EOS C400 is described by Canon as the first high-end RF mount cinema EOS camera, with in-camera connectivity such as genlock, return input and 12-pin lens terminal all supporting live multi-camera productions.

The camera includes a 6K full frame backside-illuminated, stacked CMOS sensor (BSI), with 16 stops of dynamic range. The technology enhances light capture efficiency and facilitates faster readouts, said Canon.

The EOS C400 also introduces the Canon triple base ISO technology, crafted for optimal performance in low light environments. With base ISO levels of 800, 3,200 and 12,800 when shooting in Canon Log 2 or 3, users have greater flexibility when it comes to shooting in challenging lighting conditions, said the company.

Internal recording formats include Canon’s scalable 12-bit Cinema RAW Light LT/ ST/ HQ, reliable 4:2:2 10-bit XF-AVC and new MP4 based XF-AVC S and XF-HEVC S formats, all of which accommodate detailed filmmaking workflows with professional filename and metadata support.

Supporting Canon RF mount technology, the EOS C400 integrates with a wide array of RF prime, zoom, hybrid, cinema and VR lenses, said Canon. It supports a variety of Canon’s EF-EOS R mount adapters as well as the new PL-RF mount adaptor. Additionally, the camera has enhanced metadata capabilities and connectivity options facilitating real time frame-by-frame data capture enhancing both VFX and virtual production workflows, added the company.

The RF 35mm F1.4L VCM hybrid lens is described as the only RF prime lens with a dedicated iris control ring for video. It also boasts an 11-blade aperture, enabling smooth out of focus areas to separate the subject from the background or foreground, and minimal focus breathing to help videographers avoid visual distractions when pulling focus from one subject to another, added Canon.