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LiveU provides connectivity for RNC and DNC broadcasters

The solution provides robust connectivity for broadcasters covering both the RNC and DNC events

LiveU has provided a private cellular network for broadcasters covering the US election process.

Working in collaboration with Pente Networks, the company launched LiveU Private Connectivity at the Republican National Convention, which gave news broadcasters access to connectivity at Milwaukee’s Fiserv Forum during the event.

Integrating with Pente’s orchestration solution, the LiveU Private Connectivity uses radio and switching configurations to leverage the LiveU Reliable Transport (LRT) IP video transport protocol, providing users with robust wireless network access and enabling freedom of camera movement and placement within the location.

The solution will be deployed at the forthcoming Democratic Party National Convention in Chicago.

Dan Pisarski, LiveU CTO, said, “Providing a private cellular network solution for major broadcasters covering the RNC and DNC adds a robust and reliable connection to the bonding mix, avoiding public network congestion and the instability of WiFi in the convention arenas.

“In addition, private cellular networks give us another layer of service for our customers – network segmentation, prioritisation and greater security – while providing additional capacity for expanded remote production technologies and employee communications.”