Germany’s Baller League, an indoor football league created by Mats Hummels and Lukas Podolski, is using 5G to give fans the referee’s perspective.
The refs are all wearing body cameras that use 5G from Vodafone to give fans a unique perspective on each match.

Each referee will wear a smartphone that sends live images to fans’ screens, with all matches streamed on Twitch.
“For the first time, the referee body cameras transmit the live images from the pitch via ourĀ 5G network,” explained Michael Reinartz, head of innovation at Vodafone Germany.
“Smartphones are used in a special device on the body of the referee. They send live images of the game to the football fans’ screens. Technologies like the ones we are now using in the Baller League are the future for the broadcast of major sporting events around the world,” he added.
The Baller League officially kicks off on January 22nd.